Thursday stroll in the city

Den sista torsdagen innan hemfärd till Sverige åkte jag in för en heldag till city all by my self. När alla andra jobbade och jag hade lite shopping och några andra saker att bocka av tog jag åkte jag in helt solo.
// I still had some last shopping and stuff to do in the city the last week sooo the last thursday before my flight home I had to jump on the train for a day in the city all by myself when all of my friends were busy working.
// I still had some last shopping and stuff to do in the city the last week sooo the last thursday before my flight home I had to jump on the train for a day in the city all by myself when all of my friends were busy working.

// I started the day with an Acai bowl at Two Hands in Liittle Italy. A place where you usually have to stand in line for hours before you get a table but a place where I easily got a spot 10 oclock on a thursday. Soooo yummyyyy.

Sen begav jag mig till Chelsea där the Fashion Institute of Technology och deras museum ligger. Ett ganska litet men helt fantastiskt museum med massa fina klänningar gjorda av några av världens top designers.
// Then headed to the Fashion Institute of Technology and there amazing museum. A pretty small but such a cool museum with tons of beautiful dresses made by a few of the worlds best designers.
// Then headed to the Fashion Institute of Technology and there amazing museum. A pretty small but such a cool museum with tons of beautiful dresses made by a few of the worlds best designers.

Och sen till sista minuten shoppingen som jag avklarade i Soho. Här är ett av mina last minute fynd som jag gjorde, denna one shoulder blus från ZARA är ju fantastisk!!
//And then did some last minute shopping in soho. This one shoulder blouse from ZARA is one of the things I bought, so adorable!!
//And then did some last minute shopping in soho. This one shoulder blouse from ZARA is one of the things I bought, so adorable!!

Köpte sen en smoothe för tågresan hem. Så bra dag, xx.
//Then grabbed a smoothie for the trainride home. Great day xx
//Then grabbed a smoothie for the trainride home. Great day xx
fiina foton ha en toppen dag